This is a thriller by Danny Fox, Arif Hossain, Edward Searle & Sheik Dickreeah.
This is a good thriller as it doesn't give away what the film is going to be about, keeps the audience on edge and wondering "why are they chasing him?"
The trailer also gives an indication to crime and creates a mystery about crime. This is a type of sub genre which is one of the thriller conventions and therefore is something which must be included. It does this by the way they are costumed. They are wearing suits and sunglasses which is the typical type of criminal outfit, fulfilling a stereotypical role of a 'drug dealer' or some sort.
Also the mood in which is set during the trailer. This is a mood which is not only confusing but as you can see the character (Arif) becomes paranoid about what is happening around him. he is curious about what he has found and is therefore after this being menaced to get it taken back of him. The characters in which are after him seem like they are on a mission to get this box back and therefore is desperate need after the chase the audience may be thinking that murder may be an option. Also another thriller convention.
The music in this trailer also gives a feeling of suspense, the chase all the way down the stairs and jumping over buildings and walls. This creates tension "are they going to catch him?" "are they behind him?"
There is also a macguffin. This is the box, it is the object which is the point of the whole film, which is driving the plot of the criminals pursuit and the victims escape however it is not important, what is important is the chase, the ending, what happens next.
Overall this was a good thriller. However it didn't give us much depth about what the characters were about, characterization. Are these characters troubled? Are they morally complex? Maybe an indication of what the film was going to be about in a little bit more depth would of made it more exciting and intriguing for the audience to want to watch.
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