Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Suspense & Shock

Suspense is a feeling of excitement and being anxious, uncertainty on what is about to happen or what is going to happen in the future.

An example of suspense is the film sabotage below. As the boy is delivering what he thinks is a package to the cinema, its really a bomb. The audience know that the bomb will be going of at exactly 1:45 and as time is quickly passing we are unsure if the boy is going to deliver the "package" and get away before the bomb goes off or is he going to get blown up? The tick tocking of clocks also creates huge suspense.

Shock is a feeing of sudden upsetting, a suprising event or experience.

An example of shock is in the film a history of violence where the audience can see him cleaning up after two dead bodies when a little girl appears. Af first he seems to be sympathetic towards the upset little girl until he pulls out a gun and shoots her in the forehead. It was shocking as he misled the audience into thinking he cared and then ending her life in a split second.

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